Let’s face it, the demand and the circumstances that determine fuel costs will never be altered by embargoes, boycotts and chain emails. The need simply surpasses the capabilities of any united strike. I compare these feeble attempts to a hunger strike over the cost of food. A steadfast conviction using this method will only end in your demise. In comparison, the lack of fuel consumption will only get you fired, hungry and divorced. As a result, a compromise must be made. Let us focus on what we can control.
Recent rapid inflation of oil prices has made it expensive for even the most efficient forms of transport. For example, a hybrid vehicle, as efficient as it may be, nonetheless it runs on fuel. Moreover, many argue the value in paying the premium and unforeseen expenses these types of vehicles carry is worth the expense. Even Ethanol requires the implementation of oil in the manufacturing process. It is estimated that for every gallon of Ethanol you need 1/3 of oil. That being said, technology is rapidly improving to shift the scales towards other energy sources. Until then, here are some suggestion experts have determined can help you minimize your automotive fuel expense.
Let’s start with the obvious, familiarize yourself with the pricing practices of gas stations in the vicinity of your home and work. For the most part, gas stations which are near highways are about 5-8 cents more expensive. Also, stay away from gas stations which do not have competition. These stations charge between 3 to 5 cents more per gallon. Seek intersections which have at least two gas stations across from one another. The extra competition stimulates competitive pricing. Better yet, competition between a well known brand and a discount dispenser works best. As per the department of transportation, all gasoline and diesel comes from the same place. In other words, a name brand is not using "special" oil to manufacture their product. As a result, don’t be weary about "trusted" discount fuel dispensers. Usually the difference from one manufacturer to the next is the additives they use. Your car’s performance will not be drastically affected by these additives and today’s cars are extremely resilient to the minute differences in fuels.
The biggest factor in fuel consumption is weight. If you would like to extend your mileage, focus on "driving light". Remove your golf clubs, old catalogues, tools, or liquid containers. Travel only with items you will need in your scheduled activities. For short daily chores do not top off your fuel tank. Gasoline has an approximate weight of 5.8 to 6.5 lbs per gallon. Therefore filling your gasoline tank to half its capacity will allow you to travel with less weight. This will ease the amount of energy your engine requires to propel your vehicle. To illustrate the benefits of a light load imagine you must travel through an obstacle course. If you are light of your feet you will get through the obstacles quicker and with less energy. Now picture having to traverse the very same obstacle course carrying a "fanny pack" containing a water bottle. Though the water bottle will help you get further in a long distance run, in a situation where you need efficiency and nimbleness it will only be in the way and it will contribute to fatigue faster. If you are going to practice this suggestion, use common sense and stay within urban areas that have access to gas stations.
The other method to conserve on fuel is to add weight… Human weight, that is. If you have a large vehicle, try to use its size to your advantage. Work out a carpool program with your neighbors and co-workers. Take turns taking the kids to school. Share rides with your friends when entertaining yourselves. If you are planning a road trip, perhaps do it with family and friends so you can share the expense. By implementing these suggestions will you not only share the fuel expense, you will also help the environment and spend some time with your friends.
Lastly, many products have emerged into the market claiming to help you conserve fuel. Results are varied and some are unproven. As a result don’t be fooled by false claims that are only good to separate you from your money. First, when considering these products ask yourself if the purchase price and the installation is worth the savings. Do your homework and search web forums and blogs. The best way to realize a product’s worth is to ask people who use the product. You may visit www.resourceliving.com for links to information on the most popular products.
In conclusion, until we start using the new emerging technologies we are stuck with the pump. Remember to familiarize yourself with the stations in your area, keep your vehicle light on its wheels, share your ride, and don’t fret discount fuel. Most important be aware of market prices and be informed about possible scams. There is no doubt that with oil prices reaching all time highs, scams and fraudulent activities will flourish.
On a last note, remember to enjoy your vehicles. America was built on the freedom of the open road. RS
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